Deaf Devils, an Action Rock band from Valencia, Spain was touring with Rumkicks and we went to the tourist friendly Görlitzer Park to do an interview.
Band members have been playing together for years but Deaf Devils was founded in 2020. Because of this they had the whole pandemic time to write new music and work on their songs. Pandemic was not all fun and games for them either, not being able to rehearse or play and with all the clubs closed left them feeling like No Future, as the Sex Pistols would put it.
Their music is a cornucopia of Rock flavors from each musicians background. Band mentions Hellacopters, Turbonegro and being against the church, which in my book is a recipe for success. The upcoming debut album is already recorded and band tells there’s going to be a story line from song to song. Personally I can’t wait for the album and really hope they push the envelope on their debut.
Visual side is always important for me and as you can see from the interview video, down to the glasses of milk, this band has visuals covered too. As their singer Lucyfer states, they want to make an impact the very second they step on the stage and doing a gig in band t-shirt and jeans is just plain boring. There’s nothing boring about Deaf Devils live though, at one point even the fucking drum set was moved to the dance floor and whole band played in the midst of the audience.
I’m very happy we got this interview down despite of attention seeking local fauna in form of bees and people and me losing my shit at very beginning after calling them Deaf Angels. Looking very much forward for the album and especially their next tour in Europe because this is a live band par excellence.
Deaf Devils interview 23.07.2023
Görlitzer Park, Berlin
Producer: Janne Vuorela
Picture: Deaf Devils / Jaka Čurlič