Berlin 2018 and something was happening, yet another artist was looking to find himself. Artist known as The Anté Dote was starting a new and different kind of music project called The Refuge. Heartcore, as the genre was named, mixed two types of music not traditionally considered as art, Techno and Hardcore.
In the heart of The Refuge was the wish to explore manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, still a taboo in our society to a certain degree. The aim was to create a safe space where these things could be examined with respect and where all things usually swept under the rug would get an honest look and treatment. The Refuge was a place where the audience and the artists could escape to and together experience something real.
As Anté was playing all nighters at his rehearsal space and guerilla gigs in the streets of Berlin and experimental concerts in seedy clubs, The Refuge’s focus started to turn inwards on the artist himself. After a year of searching to find a name for his inner demons and then battling the uncovered depression, Anté was ready to put The Refuge in ice, for the time being it had served it’s purpose.
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Short Documentary, Germany 2021, 14min
The Anté Dote
Writer, Director and Producer: Janne Vuorela
Director Of Photography: Karo Riikola
Music: The Refuge