Lobsterbomb – Go! Go! Go!
Lobsterbomb spills the tea on their debut EP Go!
Sneaker Pimps on Squaring The Circle 2021
Liam Howe and Ian Pickering talk in length about their 2021 album Squaring The Cirlcle and the music industry in whole.
Lobsterbomb 09.2021
My first show of 2021 was Lobsterbomb playing at Zukunft am Ostkreuz in Berlin.
Interesting Times Gang 10.2021
After having a little break from interviews I sat down Ian Miller and talked about his solo project Interesting Times Gang.
Smash Into Pieces 26.08.2021
I have to admit my ignorance in that Smash Into Pieces was an unkown great for me before the new A New Horizon album.
Thunderclap 08.2021
Thunderclap from Florida plays a mixture of Doom and Punk and what a tasty mixture it is.