Opium Warlords 03.10.2024 (Finnish)
Opium Warlords, the long-running project led by Sami ”Albert Witchfinder” Hynninen, is back with their sixth album Strength!
Smackbound 28.03.2023 (Finnish)
Netta Lauranne opens up about the difficulties with their second album Hostage.
Jessi Frey 25.10.2021 (Finnish)
Jessi Frey on käyttänyt korona-ajan valmistellessaan toista soololevyään Warrioria, joka näkee julkaisunsa vuoden 2022 alkupuolella.
Rioghan 19.10.2021 (Finnish)
Rioghan on saapunut ryminällä musiikkikentälle vuonna 2021.
Imperial Age 25.08.2021
Imperial Age from Russia used crowdfunding to finance their upcoming third album New World.
Between The Buried And Me 24.08.2021
Between The Buried And Me is publishing a sequel to their 2007 album Colors.
Destruction 03.08.2021
German Trash Metal band Destruction will celebrate it’s 40th anniversary next year.
Lesotho 28.07.2021
Fresh Post-Metal from Boston, Lesotho is publishing their debut EP, Summer Wars.
Within Temptation 06.07.2021
Within Temptation will join the ranks of Symphonic Metal bands doing over the top epic streaming shows with two events called The Aftermath in July 2021.
Frontierer – A Trail Of Noise 01.07.2021
Frontierer made their longest tour just before Covid hit and director Bradley Zorgdrager was there to film it all.