Cloudy June represents a fresh new wave of Berliner musicians. She’s got the roughness and edginess but she is also very ambitious and not afraid to admit it. She has been pouring her troubles into her music all her life and after few years of spitting out harsh vocals in a Death Metal band she is making her next move as a solo artist.
I know Claudi already from her salad days as the surprisingly brutal singer of New Greed and it will be interesting to see what she will bring to the table as an artist exploring the darker corners of popular music. I find that mixing pop sensibilities with darker themes, tunes and tones is a particularly tricky thing to do and I haven’t heard too many artist that have really gotten it down. To each his own of course but one thing is for certain, Dark Pop is more and more becoming a bigger thing with musicians such as Billie Eilish rising to the top of charts.
In this extended interview Claudi tells about her musicianship from beginning until now, the hard to grasp moment where things may start to happen for her. Of course we also go through all things Cloudy June and what you can expect to hear from her in the near future. Interesting artist in interesting times.
Producer: Janne Vuorela