Dummy Toys 14.07.2023

Chinese Punk band Dummy Toys embarked on their first European tour and played their first ever show in Europe here in Berlin and the Clash club on 14.07.2023. I happened to be there on this momentous occasion and had the pleasure to interview the band. Big thanks to the bands tour manager for acting as live translator.

Band was formed in Qingdao, China around 2014-2015. I don’t know much about Qingdao but it’s population is almost twice the population of my home country Finland. Dummy Toys published their debut eponymous EP in 2016, their debut album Not A Puppet was published in 2020 and their second album War Is Nightmare just this summer in June of 2023.

On Dummy Toys songs you can hear powerful messages about not being controlled and strong sentiments about rejecting norms and expectations. The band states that in China it’s not possible for bands to completely avoid control and censorship, but bands do what they can. In Dummy Toys case this means for example that all the lyrics are in English.

When asked about the Punk scene in China the band says that traditionally the scene in Beijing has been the strongest and many bands have moved there because of that. Nowadays things are changing though, partly because of internet and now many cities have their own Punk scenes and Punk bands.

Dummy Toys first gig in Europe was nothing short of amazing. The concert was a furious experience as practically sold out Clash played host to four musicians with spiky and colorful hair and get ups studded with spikes and studs.

Dummy Toys interview 14.07.2023
Clash, Berlin
Producer: Janne Vuorela
Picture: Dummy Toys