Menstruationsmassaker 17.08.2024
Emerging from the heart of Berlin’s punk scene, Menstruationsmassaker is a band with a mission that goes beyond music.
діти інженерів 10.06.2024
діти інженерів is a Ukrainian punk rock band that embodies resilience and self-reliance.
Raw Brigade 17.09.2023
Last day of Refuse Records XXX Anniversary Festival at Cassiopeia, Berlin.
Mainstrike 17.09.2023
Last day of Refuse 30th Anniversary Festival was celebrated at Cassiopeia, Berlin.
Coke Bust 16.09.2023
Last but not least of my second day of Refuse Records XXX Anniversary Festival at Köpi interviews was the legendary Coke Bust.
Beyond Pink 16.09.2023
My second interview of second day of Refuse Records XXX Anniversary Festival at Köpi was with Beyond Pink, probably the gig I was waiting the most from Saturday.
Vitamin X 16.09.2023
Refuse records 30th Anniversary Festival’s second day on 16.09.2023, moved the festivities to Köpi and gigs were played at Koma F and AGH.
Disavow 15.09.2023
First evening of Refuse Records XXX Anniversary Festival at Tommyhaus, Berlin.
Dregs 15.09.2023
Refuse records was celebrating their 30th anniversary here in Berlin on 15.-17.09.2023.