Ukrainian Black Metal band KHORS play live at my hometown Turku on 15.01.2023. In interview the bands drummer since 2004 Khaoth aka Konstantin Żmijew.
KHORS’ Landmark tour includes visits to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia on top of Finland. On tour the band is collecting money for charities helping people in need in war-torn Ukraine. From last years concerts Konstantin remembers the warm welcomes and atmospheres as they played with the Ukrainian flag as a prop. Only negative memory is from Germany where somebody from the crowd yelled make music not politics, Khaoth says he doesn’t like this word. According to Khaoth KHORS has no interest in talking about government or left-wing or right-wing politics. Ukraine is under attack from Russia, their message is not about politics it’s about life.
KHORS’ latest album Де слово набуває вічності came out in 2020. New album is in the works but because of the war no deadlines have been set. In the end of 2021 the band recorded four new songs and in February 2022 just before Russia’s attack they wrote two new song in their Kharkiv rehearsal room. Even though their creative process has been on pause, KHORS are not planning on long hiatus but to put out one or two singles in the near future.
Band was founded in 2004 and when remembering those times Konstantin chuckles and says that things were completely different back then. Band members were young boys with will to make music, have fun, play gigs and most of all record albums. According to Khaoth the first really interesting KHORS album is 2008’s Mysticism and that’s where KHORS discography really begins in his mind.
When asked about the war Konstantin says that he doesn’t have much new to say. They have hated Russia since 2014 and the invasion of Crimea and Donbass and only certain thing is victory which will be the most important victory in the modern history of Ukraine.
KHORS interview 05.01.2023
Producer: Janne Vuorela
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Picture: KHORS